Fucoidan solves consumer stomach health anxiety

Fucoidan solves consumer stomach health anxiety

As the saying goes, "ten people and nine have stomachs problems". With the increase of age, everyone will have large or small problems of the gastrointestinal digestive system. According to the "Latest Cancer Cardiac Cancel Data in 2020" released by the WHO International Cancer Research Agency: The incidence of gastric diseases is as high as 80%, while there are 120 million gastrointestinal patients in China, and the incidence of chronic gastritis is 30%. Are you also troubled by gastric disease?

The habit of hurting the stomach that cannot be ignored in the diet                                                                             

Eat too much

Our normal people's stomach is like a balloon. The muscles of the stomach wall will be thinner and the elasticity will decrease if which overeating for a long time. , which can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction such as weakening gastric power, gastric sagging, and gastric weakness. The damaged gastric mucosa cannot be repaired in time, and it may also cause diseases such as acute and chronic gastritis, gastric perforation, gastric ulcer.

Irregular meals

A study published by the American Heart Association magazine in 2021 found that it is easier to gain weight when have no good habit for meals, and blood sugar and blood pressure may rise at the same time! Long -term irregular diet may also cause gastric ulcers, and gastric ulcers are high risk of gastric cancer lesions.

Eat too late

The gastrointestinal empty time takes about 3-4 hours, and the average person will sleep soon after eating at 20:00 ~ 24:00. At this time, gastrointestinal motility will slow down, and the food that has not been fully digested will stay in the stomach for a long time, which is easy to damage Gastric mucosa. If you have late supper for a long time, it is prone to indigestion and weakening gastrointestinal power, causing gastritis, gastric ulcer, and even gastric cancer.

Eat too rough

Too much crude fiber intake increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which may not only digest and absorb it, but also may be discharged. When eating crude fiber, you should not only pay attention to the right amount, but also chew slowly. It is best to chew out the sweetness and swallow, because the too thick crude fiber cannot pass through the pylorus, it will grind repeatedly in the stomach, and it is easy to wear the stomach.

Public tableware

According to China's dietary habits, the phenomenon of diet and public tableware between family members is very common. This kind of dietary habits provide extremely convenient conditions for the spread of "clear carcinogen" Helicobacter pylori. Related data shows: 25%-30%of H. pylori infection will cause different degrees of gastrointestinal diseases, such as indigestion, chronic gastritis, digestive ulcers, gastric malignant tumors, etc.

"China Helicobacter Cyne Infection Prevention and Control" white paper pointed out that the infection rate of Helicobacter pylori in China is nearly 50%!

In daily life, we must develop a healthy dietary habit, try to avoid the occurrence of stomach behavior. In the face of H. pylori infections, we must also check it in time. It is mouth dissemination and dung dissemination, showing obvious family gathering and communication phenomena. One of the family members is infected. The probability of other members of the infection is very high, and the infection of Helicobacter pylori is almost impossible to heal. Clearing Helicobacter pylori is essential.

Fucoidan intake is good for clearing helicobacter pylori                                                                                                 

Seaweed has been a healthy food with homologous medicines since ancient times. It is rich in seaweed active substances and has unique health effects. Fucoidan is a natural active polysaccharide containing sulfate -based algae in brown algae. It is a representative ingredient of seaweed drugs and food. In recent years, a large number of studies have confirmed that fucoidan have the effect of safely removing Helicobacter pylori and improved gastrointestinal health.

The first discovery to inhibit Helicobacter pylori

In 1995, Professor Torkel WadStrom, a microbiologist at the University of Rongde, Sweden, published the first time that fucoidan can be combined with Helicobacter pylori to inhibit the adhesion of H. pylori. And the sulfate content has an effective combination of 10% or more.

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In 2020, Shandong Jiejing Group Corporation commissioned spectrum test company to evaluate the function of gastric mucosa protection function. The experimental results show that taking 30 days of fucoidan can significantly protect the gastric mucosa and inhibit gastric mucosa damage. In addition, fucoidan during the experiment have no adverse effects on the weight growth of rats. The final result shows that JIEJING fucoidan has a protective function for gastric mucosa damage.

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The research on the effect of fucoidan at home and abroad is far more than that. The effect of fucoidan in repairing gastric mucosa damage and removing pylori pylori has significant effects. There is no side effects and drug resistance. It is suitable for all kinds of people to provide consumers with A more secure and reliable and secluded and new choice, perfectly solve the anxiety of consumers' stomach health!

The pioneer of fucoidan extract - Shandong Jiejing Group Corporation                                                                        

In order to help fucoidan to better benefit hundreds of millions of consumers, as pioneer in the field of fucoidan extract, Shandong Jiejing Group has focused on the in -depth development and application of seaweed resources for half a century, and makes full use of its own industry in the field of seaweed extract. Jiejing continuously promote the technical upgrades and efficiency improvement of high -purity fucoidan, adhere to scientific evidence -based, continue to carry out clinical trials based on our fucoidan to ensure that the efficacy is true, safe and efficient. Recognize big manufacturers, the quality is more reliable!

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Important: The functional expression involved in this article comes from the authoritative literature, and the above is only a science of knowledge, and it cannot represent any treatment suggestions.