Scientific research confirmed fucoidan have health effect of anti -radiation

Scientific research confirmed fucoidan have health effect of anti -radiation

Japan's nuclear pollution water is discharged at sea! 

On August 24, 2023, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station in Japan officially launched nuclear polluting water to the sea.

The nuclear sewage accumulated in Japan has exceeded 1.3 million tons, and it is expected that in the future, nuclear sewage discharge will last at least 30 years. This caused public anger for Chinese people and even the world. When people are angry, they are even more worried about the impact of nuclear sewage on future life.

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In recent decades, radiation toxicity has been the focus of worldwide attention. The leakage incidents of Russia's Chel Nobel and the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan exposed humans to unprecedented radiation levels, causing a series of health threats. In addition, X -ray and CT examinations and radiotherapy are also radiating, and they inevitably harm healthy cells, which causes some radiation toxicity.

Anti-radiation will be an important thing that each of us must face in the future.

Scientific research confirmed fucoidan have health effect of anti -radiation

Fucoidan, also known as laminaria japonica extract powder, is a water -soluble sulfate hyperlodaccharide. The main ingredients are "fucose" and "sulfate". Fucoidan are mainly extracted from the surface mucus of the brown seaweed like laminaria japonica, and it has a variety of biological activity .It is widely used in the field of medicine and food. Among them, there are many research on the efficacy of fucoidan on radiatio

  1. Fucoidan for radiation protection

Li Diyuan et al. In 1999, he studied the radiation protection effect on mice with fucoidan.

2. Fucoidan -relieve radiation side effects

The immune system is very sensitive to the oxidation pressure caused by radiation, so radiation can easily bring side effects of the immune system. Fucoidan can protect immune cells from the effects of radioactive radiation, alleviate the damage to DNA in immune cells, and reduce the phenomenon of large amounts of apoptosis caused by γ -ray.

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3. fucoidan for anti-radiation 

Experimental confirmation: U937 Cells accepts 8GY radicals, which has a significant increase in cell survival rates containing fucoidan; the survival period the mice that drink fucoidan before receiving 8GY radicals is extended, and the survival rate is increased.

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4. fucoidan to relieve radioactive enteritis

Conclusion 1: significant clinical symptoms improved

From the results of clinical symptoms, it can be seen that during the radiotherapy period (30 days), the average number of defecations was controlled with the test group of fucoidan, the number of loose stools and water-like samples was significantly reduced, and the number of patients with abdominal pain was significantly reduced. Effective relief, the number of fatigue days is significantly reduced.

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Conclusion 2: The inflammatory factor improved significantly

After radiotherapy, the anti-inflammatory factors in the control group IL-10 indicators did not change much, and the anti-inflammatory factors of the fucoidan group rose significantly; Compared with the control group, the fucoidan inflammatory factor indicators have decreased significantly compared with the control group, indicating that fucoidan has a good anti -inflammatory effect.

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5. Fucoidan-relieve radioactive pneumonia

Clinical studies have found that fucoidan can alleviate radioactive pneumonia caused by drain by regulating the level of inflammatory factor in the body, balance the body's immunity, reduce the incidence of pneumonia, and improve the symptoms of pneumonia.

Conclusion 1: Reduce radioactive damage

Radiory injury logo IL-6, IL-17, MMP-9, TGF-β1 and other indicators are significantly reduced after using fucoidan.

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Conclusion 2: Reduce the incidence of radioactive pneumonia

The incidence of radioactive pneumonia in the fucoidan group was 20%, and the control group was 27.5%. The results showed that the incidence of pneumonia in the fucoidan group was lower than that of the control group.

Conclusion 3: Significant improvement of pneumonia symptoms

Specifications related to human body nutrition related to human nutrition, such as serum goblin, hemoglobin, weak apoptosis, lean protein, hungry hormones, etc., have been significantly improved after fucoidan.

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A large number of studies have shown that fucoidan can resist radiation. While anti -radiation and alleviate radiotherapy side effects, it can help improve the body's immunity.

In the environment of increasingly popular radiation exposure, due to the imbalance of immunity, unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle, it may eventually lead to disease, but we don't have to panic. What we can do is to maintain a healthy diet and living habits. Properly supplement anti -radiation nutrients and protect yourself!

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