Fucoidan benefits for skin

Fucoidan benefits for skin

Whitening can prevent the skin from becoming dull, and at the same time fades the formation of the colored spots, Let's make the skin gradually refreshing and bright.

Fucoidan are a type of sulfuric acidized polysaccharide. Kylin first extracted from the palm -shaped kelp in 1913 and named FUCOIDIN.

Fitton research found that fucoidan in the fucus and laminaria japonica has the benefits of whitening for skin. The results of double -blind random clinical trials show that fucoidan can effectively absorb ultraviolet rays, especially UVA, which causes skin aging and UVB that causes instant skin sunburn. (figure 1).

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Park et al. Research the effect of low -molecular weight fucoidan on inhibiting the activity of tyrosine and remove the free radical effect. The experiment is based on B16BL6 melanoma cells.Select 378 KDA, 89 KDA, 35 KDA, 17 KDA, 6 KDA molecular weight of fucoidan. The research results show that all molecular weight fucoidan can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase. The lower the molecular weight, the stronger the inhibitory effect of tyrosinase activity, the better whitening effect.

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Figure 2: Different molecular fucoidan in the inhibitory effect of tyrosine activity 

In addition, Fitton's research found that fucoidan can accelerate the metabolism of melanin, and clinical trial testing the skin smoothness, whiteness, and the number of skin spots in the skin. The skin of 50% of the testers has increased significantly, indicating that fucoidan has a significant whitening benefits for skin.

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