One more provincial expert service base in Rizhao

One more provincial expert service base in Rizhao

Recently, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security announced the list of the sixth batch of provincial expert service bases. Shandong Jiejing Group Corporation was selected as a provincial expert service base and became the 10th provincial expert service base in Rizhao.

Provincial expert service bases are important carriers and platforms for high -level experts and local economic and social development needs, and service at the grassroots level. It aims to comply with the talent flexible flow mechanism of talents and use the intellectual advantages of experts in science and technology research and development, results transformation, etc. Support grassroots to better gather innovative resources, break through key technologies, optimize industrial structure, and cultivate urgent need for talents, and provide talents and intellectual support in order to better meet major regional development strategies, key areas, key industries, and economic and social development.

In the next step, the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Rizhao City will continue to improve the construction and management of the expert service base, better play the important role of the base in the introduction of high -end talents, carrying service activities, driving industrial development, and helping rural revitalization. The platform advantage "transformed into a" development advantage "to help grass -roots gathering innovative resources, optimizing industrial structures, cultivating urgent need for talents, and providing talent support for talent for comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization and helping high -quality development.

At present, there are 18 provincial (rural rejuvenation) expert service bases in our city, which has achieved full coverage of the county and district functional areas.

About Shandong Jiejing Group Corporation

Shandong Jiejing Group Corporation was founded in 1968. It has now developed into a private joint -stock enterprise that integrates deep processing, marine technology, import and export trade, and research and development.

Shandong Jiejing  is a national high -tech enterprise, a national technology innovation demonstration enterprise, a pilot enterprise in Shandong Innovation Top 100, the vice chairman of the China Seaweed Industry Association, a director unit of the China Seaweed Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, and the vice chairman Unit of the China Biosaicon Development Alliance , Shandong Provincial Fisheries Standardization Demonstration Base, the first in the country's "863" science and technology support plan in Rizhao City and the national industry in the country ("Development of Key Technology Development Fiber and Deep Processing Technology"), is also the first at the same time to have national -identified enterprise technology ,the National Joint Engineering Research Center of the Sea Agawn Refining Technology, and the three national -level innovation platforms of the National Postdoctoral Research Station, as well as the provincial -level innovation platforms such as the Shandong Seaweed Refined Demonstration Engineering Technology Research Center.

Shandong Jiejing currently has technical research and development, results display, academic exchange centers, and Chinese test workshops with a construction area of 7,300 square meters. it is equipped with Waters liquid chromatography, PE atomic absorption spectrometer, atomic fluorescent spectrophot, ultraviolet lighting meter, Opal Qualcomm trace furnace, and other international advanced test instruments and equipment, and through the Shandong scientific instrument collaboration network, resource sharing of high -end instruments was realized..