Seaweed oligosaccharides    

seaweed oligosaccharides powder extracted from brown seaweed, alginic acid content >90%, organic matters >40%. High water solubility, can be used alone or as an additive, good absorption, long-lasting fertilizer effect, canbe used throughout the growth cy
  • light yellow powder
  • >90%
  • >40%
  • 5kg/10kg/25kg bag
  • Jiejing

What is Seaweed Oligosaccharides?

Seaweed oligosaccharides, also known as alginate-derived oligosaccharides and concentrated alginic acid, which is derived from natural deep sea algae. It is rich in marine active ingredients and various nutrients, which are easier for crops to absorb. Effectively prevent common problems of crops: root rot, fusarium wilt, yellow leaf cracking, seedling rot, damping off, bacterial wilt.

Balanced nutrition, healthy crops

  • Promoting germination and promoting growth: Soak seeds with seaweed oligosaccharides, high germination rate, increased seedling height, root length, and leaf chlorophyll.

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  • Improve the fruit setting rate: quickly supplement nutrients, enhance the photosynthesis of crops, and reduce the phenomenon of fruit drop and cracking.

seaweed oligosaccharides for crops.png

  • Improve quality and increase yield: Accelerate plant carbon and nitrogen metabolism process, stimulate cell division and elongation, and promote crop absorption of nutrients.

alginic acid in agriculture.png

  • Stress resistance and disease resistance: increase the cold and drought resistance of crops, delay fruit rot and deterioration, and improve fruit quality and appearance.

<a href=alginate oligosaccharides for stress resistance.png"/>

Application field:

Suitable for various crops: fruits, vegetables, field crops, tea etc.

How to use:

This product is an additive, which can be used alone or in combination with other fertilizers:

Compound water-soluble fertilizer:  add 1-2kg per ton.

Compound alginic acid compound fertilizer: add more than 600g per ton, leaf spray 30g/HA, drip irrigation 150g/HA, the specific amount can be adjusted according to the local crops, fertilization habits, and differences in soil fertility.


1. This product should be stored in a cool, low-temperature and dry place. It cannot be used up at one time. Please keep it sealed to prevent moisture absorption and caking.

2. Since there are many active ingredients in seaweed oligosaccharides, please do a small sample test before compounding other raw materials, and leave it for a period of time to observe the stability or contact our technical staff for guidance.

3. Seaweed oligosaccharides have a high viscosity, and they are easy to agglomerate and difficult to dissolve when directly added, please add water to dissolve before use, and the solubility is better when dispersed and added in batches.

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